East Aurora School District 131 has a new mission, vision, and five-year strategic plan. East Aurora School District 131 tiene una nueva misión, visión y un plan estratégico de cinco años.
It’s been proven: being on time and attending every day can make a remarkable difference in your student’s academic success, at any age. Está comprobado: Ser puntual y asistir a clases todos los días puede marcar una notable diferencia en el éxito académico de su estudiante, a cualquier edad.
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
East Aurora School District 131 has a new mission, vision, and five-year strategic plan. East Aurora School District 131 tiene una nueva misión, visión y un plan estratégico de cinco años.
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
Do district departments have someone that speaks Spanish?
Yes, all EASD 131 departments have personnel who speak Spanish to assist you.
What is the district’s process for holding IEP meetings?
The district will continue to hold all necessary special education meetings virtually within required timelines. Compliance timelines have not changed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If my child has an IEP and qualifies for related services such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech language services, and/or social work services will they still receive their services?
Yes, any student with an IEP that qualifies for related services will continue to receive the related services as outlined in the IEP via a tele-therapy platform.
If my child has an IEP will he/she continue to receive the academic minutes contained in their IEP?
Yes, any student with an IEP will receive all services outlined in the IEP.
If I have specific questions about my student’s IEP who should I contact?
Please contact Director of Special Education, Lisa Caparelli-Ruff at 630-299-5524, or Assistant Director of Special Education, Maya Raab at 630-299-7911.
If my student has an IEP and participates in a specialized program or classroom what does my child’s attendance plan look like?
All students will follow the academic schedule released by District 131.
What if my child feels anxious or nervous about participating in remote learning?
We encourage close communication between parent and school personnel regarding your child’s social emotional well-being. Social workers, school counselors, and other staff are available to provide support to your student via remote learning platforms.
What type social-emotional supports will schools offer for students in the remote learning setting?
Social workers and school counselors are working proactively to provide opportunities to develop various resources for teachers, students, and staff. Teachers will approach all students with an understanding that additional social emotional support could be required.
Where do I go if Class Link is not working for my child’s education apps?
All educational apps for your child can also be found on the district website. To access these resources, please go to https://www.d131.org/student-logins/. If your child has an iPad, there is also an icon called “D131 Sites” that will take you directly to your child’s educational apps.
What if a student’s device is not functioning properly?
The Tech Team will have a “repair station” at East Aurora High School ‘s Main Entrance (Door 1). Students and parents can bring the device in to be examined may visit Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Where do I go if I need support with Google Classroom?
The district website has a special page dedicated to our parents and caregivers with Google Classroom resources. There are training videos in English and Spanish, along with step-by-step directions for logging into Google Meets, accessing your child’s classroom, turning in assignments, etc. Please click on the link below for more details:
How do I access the Parent Training Videos in Spanish?
Go to this link: https://www.d131.org/google-training-and-resources-for-parents/
In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, click “en Español” and the parent videos will change from English to Spanish.
I have tried the Google Resource Page for Parents, but I still need help. Who do I call?
Call your child’s school. Each school has a tech team of educators who will help assist families with logging on and accessing Google Classroom.
My iPad doesn’t turn on.
Please ensure its charged. If the battery is completely dead, it may need to be plugged in for a few minutes before it will reboot.
I cannot load a webpage on my device
Ensure you have connected to your WI-FI. If it is, disconnect and rejoin.
I cannot log in to a classroom app or website.
Contact your teacher to ensure you have the correct login information and to ensure you are in the system.
My laptop is frozen and doesn’t respond when I click on anything.
Hold the power button in for 6-10 seconds. The little red light by the keyboard will turn off, hold until it turns back on. This will reboot it.
I cannot log into Google or to Office 365.
Ensure you are adding the “ @d131.org “ after your username when logging in. Confirm if you are using capital letters in the password.
My Laptop doesn’t turn on.
Connect the laptop to the power cord. Make sure the cable is secure both into the laptop as well as the power brick.
If I have an issue which I cannot resolve.
Please send an email to studenthelp@d131.org We will do our best to respond in prompt fashion to help resolve your issues.
An example of a user name and password combination are as follows:
The D131 username for your child is their student ID number@d131.org
(Example: 123456@d131.org)
Then enter your child’s password.
If my name is John Doe, and I was born August 26, 2011, my password would be JD082611
Student Help:
When sending an email to Studenthelp@d131.org, please help us by entering the following information so we can help as quickly as possible.
Will students receive breakfast and lunch during remote learning? (Grab & Go On Site, Grab & Go On the Run)
Update as of 6/14/21: Visit www.d131.org/meal-distribution for Summer Meal Distribution schedule and locations.
What will happen if my student does not have a mask?
Buses will be equipped with extra face masks, should your child forget theirs at home.
What will happen if my student does not self-certify they are symptom free for the day?
The student will sit in the front seat and will require a temperature check as well as a certification from the building staff indicating they are symptom free.
Will my student be required to sit in their assigned seat?
Students will be directed to their assigned seat in order to ensure we can account for everyone’s well-being. Should a student experience COVID-19 symptoms, proper notification can be made to students in the immediate surrounding areas.
Will gloves be required to ride the bus?
Gloves will not be required in order to board the school bus.
Will the bus be sanitized?
The school bus handrails will be wiped down at each bus stop, high touch areas will be wiped down after each route. The bus will also be completely sanitized at the end of the day.
Can I still enroll in preschool?
Yes! In order to register for preschool you need to register online or visit the registration office currently located at East High School.
What if my child won’t/can’t wear a mask?
In preschool our job is to teach independence and how to be a successful student. We will work to teach our children how to wear a mask, we have prepared lessons! However, we need your help to get your child used to this before the children come to school. We will provide resources in your child’s placement letter. Children that are unable to wear the make during school, will be asked to participate in remote learning for their safety.
What precautions are you taking to keep my child safe/healthy?
The preschool program will take all of the precautions that the district is taking: smaller class sizes, fewer staff members in and out of classrooms, no visitors in school, no field trips, individual supplies and toys, frequent sanitation and cleaning, face coverings, and protective clothing/coverings for diapering.
Do district departments have someone that speaks Spanish?
Yes, all EASD 131 departments have personnel who speak Spanish to assist you.
What is the district’s process for holding IEP meetings?
The district will continue to hold all necessary special education meetings virtually within required timelines. Compliance timelines have not changed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If my child has an IEP and qualifies for related services such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech language services, and/or social work services will they still receive their services?
Yes, any student with an IEP that qualifies for related services will continue to receive the related services as outlined in the IEP via a tele-therapy platform.
If my child has an IEP will he/she continue to receive the academic minutes contained in their IEP?
Yes, any student with an IEP will receive all services outlined in the IEP.
If I have specific questions about my student’s IEP who should I contact?
Please contact Director of Special Education, Lisa Caparelli-Ruff at 630-299-5524, or Assistant Director of Special Education, Maya Raab at 630-299-7911.
If my student has an IEP and participates in a specialized program or classroom what does my child’s attendance plan look like?
All students will follow the academic schedule released by District 131.
What if my child feels anxious or nervous about participating in remote learning?
We encourage close communication between parent and school personnel regarding your child’s social emotional well-being. Social workers, school counselors, and other staff are available to provide support to your student via remote learning platforms.
What type social-emotional supports will schools offer for students in the remote learning setting?
Social workers and school counselors are working proactively to provide opportunities to develop various resources for teachers, students, and staff. Teachers will approach all students with an understanding that additional social emotional support could be required.
Where do I go if Class Link is not working for my child’s education apps?
All educational apps for your child can also be found on the district website. To access these resources, please go to https://www.d131.org/student-logins/. If your child has an iPad, there is also an icon called “D131 Sites” that will take you directly to your child’s educational apps.
What if a student’s device is not functioning properly?
The Tech Team will have a “repair station” at East Aurora High School ‘s Main Entrance (Door 1). Students and parents can bring the device in to be examined may visit Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Where do I go if I need support with Google Classroom?
The district website has a special page dedicated to our parents and caregivers with Google Classroom resources. There are training videos in English and Spanish, along with step-by-step directions for logging into Google Meets, accessing your child’s classroom, turning in assignments, etc. Please click on the link below for more details:
How do I access the Parent Training Videos in Spanish?
Go to this link: https://www.d131.org/google-training-and-resources-for-parents/
In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, click “en Español” and the parent videos will change from English to Spanish.
I have tried the Google Resource Page for Parents, but I still need help. Who do I call?
Call your child’s school. Each school has a tech team of educators who will help assist families with logging on and accessing Google Classroom.
My iPad doesn’t turn on.
Please ensure its charged. If the battery is completely dead, it may need to be plugged in for a few minutes before it will reboot.
I cannot load a webpage on my device
Ensure you have connected to your WI-FI. If it is, disconnect and rejoin.
I cannot log in to a classroom app or website.
Contact your teacher to ensure you have the correct login information and to ensure you are in the system.
My laptop is frozen and doesn’t respond when I click on anything.
Hold the power button in for 6-10 seconds. The little red light by the keyboard will turn off, hold until it turns back on. This will reboot it.
I cannot log into Google or to Office 365.
Ensure you are adding the “ @d131.org “ after your username when logging in. Confirm if you are using capital letters in the password.
My Laptop doesn’t turn on.
Connect the laptop to the power cord. Make sure the cable is secure both into the laptop as well as the power brick.
If I have an issue which I cannot resolve.
Please send an email to studenthelp@d131.org We will do our best to respond in prompt fashion to help resolve your issues.
An example of a user name and password combination are as follows:
The D131 username for your child is their student ID number@d131.org
(Example: 123456@d131.org)
Then enter your child’s password.
If my name is John Doe, and I was born August 26, 2011, my password would be JD082611
Student Help:
When sending an email to Studenthelp@d131.org, please help us by entering the following information so we can help as quickly as possible.
Will students receive breakfast and lunch during remote learning? (Grab & Go On Site, Grab & Go On the Run)
Update as of 6/14/21: Visit www.d131.org/meal-distribution for Summer Meal Distribution schedule and locations.
What will happen if my student does not have a mask?
Buses will be equipped with extra face masks, should your child forget theirs at home.
What will happen if my student does not self-certify they are symptom free for the day?
The student will sit in the front seat and will require a temperature check as well as a certification from the building staff indicating they are symptom free.
Will my student be required to sit in their assigned seat?
Students will be directed to their assigned seat in order to ensure we can account for everyone’s well-being. Should a student experience COVID-19 symptoms, proper notification can be made to students in the immediate surrounding areas.
Will gloves be required to ride the bus?
Gloves will not be required in order to board the school bus.
Will the bus be sanitized?
The school bus handrails will be wiped down at each bus stop, high touch areas will be wiped down after each route. The bus will also be completely sanitized at the end of the day.
Can I still enroll in preschool?
Yes! In order to register for preschool you need to register online or visit the registration office currently located at East High School.
What if my child won’t/can’t wear a mask?
In preschool our job is to teach independence and how to be a successful student. We will work to teach our children how to wear a mask, we have prepared lessons! However, we need your help to get your child used to this before the children come to school. We will provide resources in your child’s placement letter. Children that are unable to wear the make during school, will be asked to participate in remote learning for their safety.
What precautions are you taking to keep my child safe/healthy?
The preschool program will take all of the precautions that the district is taking: smaller class sizes, fewer staff members in and out of classrooms, no visitors in school, no field trips, individual supplies and toys, frequent sanitation and cleaning, face coverings, and protective clothing/coverings for diapering.
Board of Education MeetingReunión de la Junta de Educación
Finance & Personnel CommitteeComité de finanzas y personal
EASD 131 Administrative Center at 310 Seminary Ave. Aurora, 60505.EASD 131 Administrative Center at 310 Seminary Ave. Aurora, 60505.
Buildings and Grounds CommitteeComité de Edificios e Instalaciones
EASD 131 Administrative Center, 310 Seminary Avenue, AuroraEASD 131 Administrative Center, 310 Seminary Avenue, Aurora
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